Video clip 2012-09-28 11:50:34

[clip] Thinking About You- David Choi

Everybody needs someone
Everybody needs love, love
Everybody wants something to believe in

Everybody is waiting
Waiting for that someone
That makes their heart jump out

Live a life like you are dreaming, yeah
Oh, I want that feeling

I’m thinking about you
Are you thinking of me too?
I’m thinking about you
I hope you’re thinking of me too

Looking for a treasure
Worth more than gold
It’s been found, I’ve been told

But I’ve been searching
Across the seas
Oh could it be right in front of me?

For now I’ll entertain this daydream
I wonder what you’re feeling

I’m thinking about you
Are you thinking of me too?
I’m thinking about you
I hope you’re thinking of me too
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